How chiropractic care can help you avoid surgery and manage pain
In 1967 Joseph Kabalka was in Vietnam hiking over mountains and hills. He was on the move constantly, being dropped here and there from a helicopter. Along with his fellow marines, he’d jump out of the “chopper” six feet from the ground.
“I firmly believe that’s why I have the problems I have today,” Joseph said, referring to the stress the jumps and gear-laden hikes put on his shoulders, neck and back.
While Joseph’s injuries have a unique origin story, many people suffer from low back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain. The resulting pain from an accident or personal injury can limit mobility and reduce quality of life. And, like Joseph, for many the pain continues to compound until they find themselves in a doctor’s office.
In Joseph’s case, he found himself at a sports doctor’s office in Pensacola where they gathered x-rays and MRIs. When the doctor called Joseph in to talk about the results, it wasn’t promising.
“There’s really nothing we can do for you,” Joseph recalled the doctor saying. “We can weld all your vertebrates together and shorten your movement area but you’re going to have a different life.”
For Joseph, it was a choice between dealing with pain or dealing with not being able to move.
This can be the case for many people with back and neck issues. Traditional medicine will often include invasive, life-altering surgeries as well as addictive pain medications as a solution to chronic pain and the injuries causing it.
There is another way, however. Chiropractic care for back and neck pain can be the answer.
After hearing from his doctor, Joseph sought another option at the Navarre Chiropractic Center.
“The doctor looked at my x-rays and MRI and discussed with me about not only how he felt but how I felt,” Joseph said.
When you’re in pain, it can be very reassuring to be able to talk through exactly what you’re experiencing.
Dr. Llaird Likens cares about your overall well being and will seek to provide solutions that fit your circumstances, your wishes and your lifestyle. Fortunately, Dr. Likens has many different tools he brings to the table, different from a typical chiropractor.
That’s because his continued learning and certifications in areas like clinical nutrition, chiropractic biophysics, whiplash, impairment ratings, applied kinesiology and functional medicine allow him to see the whole picture for a patient. Dr. Likens is able to use a variety of therapies and treatments for a particular patient based on their individual needs.
In this case, Joseph receives ongoing traction therapy and acupuncture.
Traction removes pressure from the spine by stretching and manipulating the muscles and discs apart to create space and provide relief.
“Fresh fluids go in and give me a little cushion and hopefully keeps the spine and neck straight,” Joseph says of the therapy.
Using traction, Dr. Likens aims to relieve pressure and pain associated with back and disc problems, joint pain, sciatica and even herniated discs and other spinal injuries.
Joseph also receives regular acupuncture treatments in order to stimulate his nerve endings and alleviate pain and mobility issues. The thin, sterile needles used in acupuncture send messages to the brain that allow the release of endorphins and other chemicals that help relieve pain. Acupuncture takes the body out of fight or flight mode and allows the body and muscles to relax and eliminate tension.
The combination of these treatments have given Joseph his life back. He comes in two times a week and now has a better quality of life. He has avoided surgery, a fused back and a life-long subscription to pain medication.
“When you have someone on the other end that cares about how you feel and listens to what your needs are, it works. You work as a team. You get problems resolved,” Joseph said.
Being able to return to normal activities is the goal with chiropractic care. Avoiding addictive pain medications, muscle relaxers and invasive surgeries is possible if you’re suffering from pain after an accident, injury or as the result of the type of work you do.
Dr. Likens works with a variety of treatment options to help you feel better. If you have any questions, call us today so we can help you get started. Dr. Llaird Likens accepts insurance and offers self-pay options. Dr. Likens also proudly serves veterans as a partner with the Veterans Administration (VA). He services those living or visiting in Gulf Breeze, Navarre, Midway or Mary Esther.