Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain is one of the most common conditions Dr. Llaird Likens treats with chiropractic care along with neck and back pain. Because the knee is such an essential joint, knee pain can be very debilitating as it can make it painful to bend, walk, climb or simply support the weight of the body. Knees are part of almost everything we do on a daily basis, so knee pain is not something we want you to have to endure. Fortunately, chiropractic care can solve knee pain effectively since it is often caused by a misalignment of the spine at the hips. Dr. Llaird LIkens specializes in diagnosing the specific cause of knee pain and then providing treatment that provides immediate relief but also prevents future knee pain as well.
Symptoms of Knee Pain
The knee is involved in so many of our daily actions, so knee pain will often be very noticeable. Some symptoms you might experience include:
Tenderness when touched
Limited mobility
Popping or cracking noises when you move your knee
Weakness or instability
Difficulty stretching your knee straight
While you might find yourself suffering in silence from knee pain, it does not have to be a part of your life. Dr. Llaird Likens can assess and treat your knee pain so you can live pain free.
Common Causes of Knee Pain
Knee pain is a symptom that something else is going wrong in the body. Some causes of knee pain include:
Arthritis: The repetitive use of the knee can lead to inflammation or even degeneration of the knee joint which can cause pain and stiffness. Likewise, deformities and injuries can result in the same consequences. Osteoarthritis is a common type of arthritis in which the degradation of the cartilage in the joint causes bones to rub together, which causes pain.
Injuries: Twists, bumps and falls can also cause the knee’s ligaments or muscles to tear which can lead to pain and limited mobility. Sprains and strains can also cause swelling and pain in the knee.
ITBS or IT band syndrome: Overuse of the knee muscles long term can cause inflammation of the tendons in the knee, which can cause bones to rub together.
Referred pain: Sometimes knee pain comes from other points in the body such as the hips and lower back. That pain can travel and present to you as knee pain.
How Our Chiropractor Treats Knee Pain
Chiropractic care can help you reduce and eliminate your knee pain. Whether you’re suffering from a particular injury, arthritis or some other condition, spinal realignment and other chiropractic care treatments can bring you relief. Dr. Llaird Likens does a thorough examination of each patient with chronic pain in order to find the underlying causes and prescribe a custom treatment plan. He will provide you with a personalized pain management plan that will give you immediate relief and then also work toward preventing future injuries and pain. Spinal adjustments are often part of the treatment for knee pain. If you are suffering from knee pain, that might involve gentle manipulation of the knee to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. These adjustments allow the knee and other parts of the body to move back to natural alignment, allowing the body to heal itself. Dr. Likens also provides specific strengthening exercises and stretches to help you improve mobility and prevent further pain.
Dr. Llaird Likens offers natural, non invasive and medication-free treatment for knee pain. Give us a call today to get started.